Winter Solace

I relay hate mowing around these trees in the summer months.  Round and round and round, getting slapped in the face with branches, bugs falling off the leaves and onto and into uncomfortable places.  And, I still have to finish with the trimmer to really make it look nice.  I'm too fussy, I know, I know.
But just look at them in the winter!  Several months of them looking gorgeous without any attention from me.  In the winter, I love these rows of trees.

With that, here is little poem I whipped up.  I'm sure it's destined to be among the greats...

Winter Solace

A long tunnel of trees
Swaying gently in a breeze.
The leaves clatter,
Sounding like rain.
Letting me forget the pain
Caused to me all summer.
Mowing around them
Was such a bummer.
Bugs getting in my hair,
Missing strips everywhere.
Then in Autumn
Offering up their leaves,
No longer showy in a breeze.
Snow slowly gathers round
Old Jack, no longer bound.
There is nothing I need do
To keep the land
Looking tidy and neat.
Winter solace has set in
All I do is drag my feet.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank-you so much Michelle! It is one of my favourites from 2015.

  2. Beautiful photo!

    And your poem is just perfect too!

    Enjoy the winter break!

    1. Thank-you Dee. Got a bit sick over the break, but mostly it was really good, and I'm feeling better now.

  3. Dearest Andrea; Oh, such WONDERFUL winier scene with snow covered trees; your efforts was truly worthwhile♡♡♡ educational for me ♪
    Wishing you will have a wonderful and happy coming Year 2016, Dear friend☆☆☆
    Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank-you for visiting Miyako. Happy New Year to you too!!!

  4. I also love wintry Nature, maybe not everybody do understand us, but I think it to be so expressive especially under a few inches of snow !
    I didn't know you were a poet too ... your verses are great, my darling Andrea !
    May your New Year be Wonderful,
    with love

    1. Thank-you Dany. I am hardly a poet, I just sort of slapped a few words together to express how I feel about that lovely row of trees.

  5. I'm actually glad there is a time of year when we can drag our feet. Beautiful photography and scenery. It is a winter wonderland!

    1. Yes, me too Stacy. As much as I miss the warm temperatures, I like the break from the yard work.

  6. They're beautiful ... You could frame this picture , to remind you of why you keep them next summer ;))),

    1. That's a fantastic idea Sallie! I just may do that.

  7. Not so much fun mowing but now WOW! They are beautiful! How many pairs are there?
    Love your poetic take on them too!

    1. Hi Christine, I'm really not sure, I'll have to go and take a count, but there has to be at least 35 pairs.

  8. The poem is quite nice but I have to say that photo of the trees is just gorgeous. - Happy New Year.

    1. That poem does not match the beauty of those trees by a long shot, but I'm not much of a poet.

  9. Beautiful trees and a lovely snowy scene. I love the poem, pretty post. I wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

    1. Thank-you so much Eileen. I wish you and yours a wonderful 2016 as well!

  10. You are a very talented writer, and photographer, those trees are amazing.
    Happy New Year,

    1. Thank-you so much Meredith, and Happy New Year to you!!!

  11. I have a love hate relationship with some large trees by the house. In Spring and Summer they shut out all the light, making my house very dark and cold. In winter, however, they protect me from the fierce winds of winter storms and then I am very glad of them. Your trees are beautiful.

  12. I just love your poem. My husband and I complain about the same thing on our property but your trees are so much closer together. I can't even imagine!!


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