Foggy Morning

This dreamy photo was taken yesterday morning when the fog was so thick, it blurred out what would have been a blinding sunrise.  It was a lovely, quiet morning for a walk.  Today's morning is quite a different scene, and I have yet to get out there and photograph it.  We had at least 6 inches of fluffy snow fall and it is still lightly coming down.  I'll get pictures of that up later. But for now, this one, because I really wanted to take part in Good Fences, HERE.  Have a great day everyone!


  1. Very good!
    We've had several foggy mornings here this week - I should get out there with my camera!

    1. Thanks Lea. Yes, fog can make for some interesting photos.

  2. Dreamy with an air of mystery! I like this a lot!
    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Christine. I love the air of mystery fog can add. Except at night, too foggy = too mysterious = too scary!

  3. Pretty foggy scene and image. We have been seeing fog every morning lately. Have a happy day!

    1. Hi Eileen. We haven't all that much fog, so it was actually quite a surprise.

  4. Lovely foggy photo ~ very ethereal ~ Love it!

    Wishing you the magic and love of the season
    artmusedog and carol

  5. You know what I love best about bloggers? I get to see scenes that I just don't have here in Florida. What a beautiful photo today!

    1. Thank-you so much Dee! Good to know you're in Florida; I thought you were in Australia for some reason.

  6. The fence made sure the fog stayed around.

  7. No, the dog is just waiting for me. If I stop walking, he stops. As soon as I take a step, he gets going again.

  8. brrr... Are you nuts going out in that cold? lol... You could have died. Oh wait... thats me, never mind lol Just looking at that photo--- I must now go get a blanket lol
    big hugs,

    1. You're too funny! That was our warmest day in 2 weeks!

  9. Oh Andrea, this might be one of my favorites from you. It's slightly eery with the fog, but incredibly deep and beautiful - I love it! Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs!

    1. I'm so glad you like it, it is one of my favourites too. I can't wait to scrapbook this one into his doggy book.

  10. When it's foggy there is a temptation to keep a camera in the bag. Andrea you have shown us that there are great photographs out there for the taking, even on a foggy morning.

  11. a perfect composition by nature and you :)

    1. Thank-you, I did like the composition in this one, although, I would of liked to see Bear about 4 fence posts back.

  12. thank you for the bloggy visit & comment. i enjoy the view above. so serene & calm. ( :
    i wonder if we will get any snow this year? have a lovely weekend!

    1. We had between 6 and 8 inches yesterday. I have a few photos to get up later. It looks so beautiful out there.

  13. I'm so charmed by fog ... here's not so usual but we also had several foggy days till yesterday, when the sun has come back !
    Thank you for your dreamy shot,
    have a blessed weekend, my darling Andrea !
    Sending much sweet love to you

  14. It is quite lovely and peaceful looking.

  15. We don't often have fog in Colorado but we do have this: Sometimes when the sun comes up the fence around our yard steams up the moisture. It almost looks like it is on fire without a flame. Your flog is lovely!


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