Mosaic Monday

All of these photos were taken in the late fall before our big snowfall last week.  The casual, easy walking over the prairies is over!  I can also forget about having a fire, because the snow is sure piling up around the pit.  But, the landscape is lovelier then ever, and the birds seem more active, like now is the time get serious, because winter has finally arrived and finding food isn't as easy as it was a week ago.  Don't worry little guys, I'll keep the bird seed coming...

This post was created for Mosaic Monday...HERE.


  1. Hello, pretty winter and snowy images. The sky shot is lovely. The birds seem a little more hungry after a snowfall. Beautiful images and mosaic. Have a happy new week!

  2. Beautiful photos... and I was happy to read the little birds are taken care of. :)
    Have a lovely new week!

  3. A lovely montage of nature that surrounds you on the prairie! The birds will be glad you are there!
    Enjoy your day!

  4. What a stunning mosaic, my sweet Andrea, your photographs are always so very expressive and suggestive !
    Thank you darling friend, have a wonder-filled day,
    with deep admiration

  5. Simply stunning. I adore the change of seasons and you've captured them beautifully.

    Gardens Eye View
    Living From Happiness

  6. Delightful photos of nature and I see you are a steward to the birds as well. They bring us such joy don't they? Although I leave most of the seedheads over winter on our habitat property, feeding the birds year round and supplying water is important to me.
    It would be nice if you could change your 'noreply' blogger status Andrea so I could reply to your comments please.

    1. Hi there Judith. I have been asked to do this before, but I honestly don't know how. Could you please help mw with this? Thank-you so much.

  7. Beautiful photos and collages. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

  8. I am enjoying checking out your blog too!


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