Sending Out a Thank-you

I know someone who it seems, is in the process of dying.  How long will it be?  That's anyone's guess. Everyone seems to have accepted it, and yet, none of us are prepared for the change it will bring to our family.  It is a family that is continuing to get smaller in numbers.  There was a time when it was growing.  Our elderly were healthy and babies were being born.  It was wonderful, and we all felt good about living. Now, there have been no births for 10 years and in that time we have lost several people.

I also know someone who to her core, is a caregiver.  A nurturer through and through and to a fault. Do we let her take it all on herself, this entire process of holding the hand of our loved one as he prepares to leave?  She would let us.  And it would be easy to take advantage of that because we all have busy, middle age lives.  

In a perfect world, she would be spending her late years gradually slowing down and enjoying her time worry free.  Maybe people would even take care of her for a change.  Wouldn't that be something?  Too often, what we deserve and what we actually get are separate things.

There is no way to take over her role in this situation, but we can help ease the burden of it.  As for my small part in this family, I can offer time, and food and acknowledgment. 

I was not thinking about this when I was working on this next image, but it seems to fit the words. Another macro image of the same flower, but a different angle and much closer. I get a sense of motion when I look at this image and also, I find it very calming.

I've shared this with Stephanie's 'Roses of Inspiration'.


  1. Dear Andrea, my heartfelt sympathy to you & your family as you go through the valley of shadow.
    Your view of helping those in need is inspiring & so very, very comforting I'm sure.
    The photo is lovely too, the petals seem to cradle & offer support too!

  2. I'm glad you recognise the qualities and commitment of your "go to" family caregiver. Nurturing the nurturer is very important. I'm sure you will do a good job.

  3. hello andrea...sending thoughts your way and to all your family my family deaths have occurred slowly, time for laughter, tears, hugs and "until we meet again", and deaths have occurred suddenly, unexpectedly, "we thought we would have the time"...each moment is precious and as is each thought, alone and shared...bless the caregiver and you for your thoughts and actions to have this time as a shared experience...hugs to all...take care...sally

  4. It is SO hard to watch someone go through the process of leaving. I hope that the transition time is easy on your family member and that he feels the love that so obviously surrounds him.

    Hugs sweet lady!

  5. This now needy nurturer is lucky to have you, in her family.

    Too often, nurturers are rather taken for granted. They always "do". So everyone simply expects them to always "do". Not fair. But so. Me'thinks nurturers should not be so, 100%. It trains others, not in the best way.

    Again, lucky her, that she has you. And why not nudge others in your family??? To do the same??? Maybe just the pointing out, would open their eyes. Eyes which need to be opened. And if they don't like it, well....... That would only show how selfish they are.

    I happen to think you are wonderful, for opening your eyes, and seeing what is needed.

    Gentle hugs,

  6. your thought are so very deep, my darling, and I'm sad for the loss and the pain you're going to suffer ... your picture really expresses this need of protection, it makes me think of a swan's wings, as soon as he touches the surface of a lake, or while they are trying to wrap one little chicks of his, and cleans him, and lulls him ...
    This photographs truly makes me dream !

    Thank you, my blessed friend, have a lovely remainder of your week,
    thinking of you with much love

  7. I wish that I had the words to express my thoughts to you. I know it is a cliché, but I really am sending you the very best of thoughts, virtual hugs and much love. You will do what you can to do the right things at the right time and that is really all you can do. So sorry that I cannot express more. You are in my heart right now! xx

  8. Life and death, not easy are they? I am sending you a hug. We have had so many deaths these past two years it is staggering, it has changed the shape of our family so much. Hang in there.

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.

  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.

  11. Dear Friend, Lovely photo to go with your thoughts. I have been in this place as a caregiver and I know it can be a challenging time. Families are born, grow, pass away and life changes. But one truth remains, families and our memories are forever. Prayers for you and your loved ones in the days ahead. Blessings, xo

  12. Sweet friend, how my heart aches for you during this time... It is never easy to see a loved one suffering. As God's Word says, there is a time for everything. I must confess that there are times when I'm not ready for something, but He sees me through with His grace and love.

    Thinking of you, dear one! Much lvoe!

  13. Hello, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. God Bless the caregivers, they are an inspiration to us all. Lovely image. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  14. so very beautiful. Soft and delicate :)


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