Happy Belated New Year

I am beginning the new year with a flu.  A common, I'm weak, I don't feel like moving, I should just go back to bed, flu. Blech.

It wouldn't be all that big a deal really, but I am going to miss a very special celebration of our Dear Uncle Mike turning 100 years old.  I am relying on my husband to take lots of photos and I may even ask my daughter to take her video camera.  I could go on and on about Uncle, but he would hate that. Suffice to say, he still lives on his own, cooks, and plants a garden.  He's always up for a chat, no matter what the subject.  He's downright friendly, and who doesn't like that?

I wrote that first paragraph on New Year's Day, but I didn't have the energy to finish it.  I ended up in bed most of that day.  On the second, I started to feel quite a bit better and today I am almost completely back to normal.  

I do regret missing Uncle's party, but the husband and daughter pulled through and captured the memories for me, and we will all enjoy them for years to come.  

I do hope everyone else had a better start to 2016 than I did.  By the look of the blog posts I've read in the past couple of days, everyone had a great time.

Now that I am better and the parties are wrapped up, I can start enjoying my wonderful gifts.  My husband adopted a camera theme this year, and I now have all sorts of gear to experiment with, and even some new software to play around with.  I foresee many a Youtube tutorial in my near future to put adobe photoshop elements 14 and premiere elements 14 to good use.  

With that, I am leaving you with a dreamy photo I captured before Christmas when the frost was so heavy, it was threatening to break branches.  But the scenery took your breath away.


  1. Hello, I am very sorry you've been sick. Your picture is absolutely magical! I'm happy that your husband and daughter attended Uncle's party. He sounds like a delight.

  2. Glad you are feeling better. I can't wait to see all you do with your new photo equipment.

    The above picture looks SOOOOO cold. I don't think this Florida girl could handle all that ice! LOL But, it makes a gorgeous picture.

  3. The flu i always horrible, no matter. Glad you are feeling better.

  4. Oh I do hope you get well soon it is not the nicest way to start out a New Year. Take care and rest up. Even if your feeling better you need the rest. You have more snow then we do in this part of Ontario but it is cold this early morn. Hug B

  5. Oh I do hope you get well soon it is not the nicest way to start out a New Year. Take care and rest up. Even if your feeling better you need the rest. You have more snow then we do in this part of Ontario but it is cold this early morn. Hug B

  6. Gad you are feeling better, good that you got all that sickness out of the way first thing. Your photos are so gorgeous.
    Hugs and Happy New Year,

  7. Hello, so sorry you were feeling sick. Happy 100th Birthday to your uncle Mike! Pretty winter scene. Take care! Happy Monday, have a great new week!

  8. .. and I've spent Christmas at bed with a boring, so boring flu for the first time in my life, and I also participated as I could at my family's celebrations, I had fever and a bad cold !

    Fortunately our flu has passed and we may enjoy one of the seasons we like most, isn't it, darling Andrea ?
    We should also have lots of snow in this period, but it isn't so ... could you send me some of yours ;) ?!?

    May your start of the week be blessed with joy,
    sending much love

  9. Beautiful photo!! Sorry to hear that you have been so ill, but glad that you are better now. Happy Birthday to your Uncle Mike, he sounds like a great man! Hope that you will not have any more ickies the rest of this year. Happy New Year! xx

  10. Well, perhaps you have managed to get all of your 2016 sick days out of the way and the rest of the year is yours to enjoy. I empathize with your little bird decoration. I have a Reindeer decoration who refuses to get put away every year and now we have learned to live with him hanging over a winder in the great room. After awhile, nobody notices that he is Christmas :) As for your wonderful picture ... as much as I don't like the cold, I find that winter often paints the most gorgeous murals for us to bask in ... truly beautiful, Andrea.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  11. What a bummer to start the New Year off sick. - Hope you are better now. - Wow your Uncle made it to 100, that in itself is awesome! He sounds like a fun person. - Your wintery scene is so pretty but oh so cold looking.

  12. Oh so sorry for your sick start! But you must be better by now.

    Magical photo!!!!!!


  13. The photo with all that frost is just gorgeous! You're so lucky to have all that new camera equipment to play with, I can't wait to see what you create with it.

  14. The photo with all that frost is just gorgeous! You're so lucky to have all that new camera equipment to play with, I can't wait to see what you create with it.


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