Macro Mosaic

Wanting to practice my macro, I snipped a flower from a bouquet my wonderful husband recently delivered to me.  I know, I know, hardly original.  And it isn't, and it was an obvious choice, but it's good practice, and now I have yet another photo suitable for making cards.  
I did process it in 4 different ways.  I can't pick a favourite.  I see the potential in all four shots.  I'm going to try cropping it in less obvious ways, and see if I can't create something a little more unique that way.
What do you think?  Do you have any ideas for some indoor macro shots I could try?

I've shared this post HERE for Mosaic Monday.  There are always plenty of wonderful links to visit and I caught a glimpse of at least 2 beach posts.  I could definitely use a beach sometime soon. Although, the weather here was so mild yesterday, I actually took my hat and mitts off while out for a walk.  It felt so good.  I feel far more connected with nature when I can feel the breeze and hear the birds.  It's supposed to continue throughout the week, so I 'm looking forward to several walks a day. My doggie will be beyond happy!


  1. Very lovely. I seem to be drawn to the soft B&W.

    I know nothing about macro, so I am of no use to you.

    If I accomplish macro, it is a chance thing, because I don't have any macro camera things. :-)

    But I know, it can be beautiful.

    Gentle hugs,

  2. Hello! I am not an expert on macro but these are all lovely images. Pretty colors! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  3. All are lovely but I prefer the black and white.

  4. Sweet macro shots and I agree with those previous comments as the B&W is my favourite.
    Enjoy the milder few days!

  5. the pink one is just SO pretty!

  6. Hi Andrea, I can see your dilemma. They're all beautiful in their own unique way. Sounds like you're having a great time with your new equipment. I lean towards the two on the left. Sorry, I know nothing about macros.

  7. Hello...I'm visiting for Mosaic Monday. Your images are just gorgeous and everyone, card worthy! I don't think I could pick a favorite :)

  8. I love how you processed this image differently...each stunning.

    and LivingFromHappiness

  9. I also won't be able to choose, and your mosaic is so wonderful, certainly of much more effect than the original picture !
    With your camera in your habds you're truly a wizard, my sweetest Andrea !
    Sending blessings to you,
    with so much love

  10. Your photos are full of gentleness and life. I love it.


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