Day Six - Dawson City and the Start of the Dempster

Dawson City was the center of the Klondike Gold Rush, and that is, of course, the draw for tourists. You can pan for gold, (we didn't) dine out, drink a sour-toe cocktail, (disgusting) or just walk around,
which is mainly what we did. There was a farmer's market at which we got some fresh produce and some local art.

This is where you go to get your sour-toe cocktail. Yes, there is an actual mummified toe in your drink. No thanks.

The Kissing Buildings. Just better in black and white.

A short drive will take you to awesome views of the Midnight Dome.

After our tour of Dawson City, we headed back to The Dempster and began our long drive to our goal destination.

Start of the Dempster

We saw one moose at Two Moose Lake.

Our stop for the night.

A beautiful, quiet campground. That is, until some extremely rude people showed up and got obnoxiously drunk
in the middle of the night. It was our only encounter with 'bad' campers. And we didn't interact with them, just
had to listen to them going on all night.

The next photos were all taken through the windshield on my phone as we drove. Just to give you an idea of the fantastic scenery.

Kilometer 70

People drive, bike and hike The Dempster.

Km 76

Km 79


Km 82

km 86


Km 99

km 114

km 118

km 118

km 124

km 128

km 129

km 130

km 132

km 136

km 144

km 154

km 156

km 158

km 164

km 168

km 178

km 185

km 188

km 188

km 189 - Sapper Hill

km 193 - near Engineer Creek Campground, our first night stay on The Dempster


  1. Hi Andrea - amazing journey ... I'd love to visit Dawson Creek; while The Dempster Highway - looks to be extraordinary ... I didn't know about it ... looking forward to more photos and notations ... cheers Hilary

  2. Love that moose who is just looking at you and wondering why you need to take a picture of her. Those 2 leaning buildings look like they are ready to collapse as any moment. Too bad the bad campers were there right next to you...horrible and I wonder why they were not kicked out. The pics of your trip along the Dempster looks beautiful but I bet you are happy you are in a good car. I don’t think I would want to be stuck on this road.

  3. This is lovely coming on your trip with you, virtually. I love the way you have added the Km's into the pictures. I certainly was an impressive journey with some spectacular scenery - I'm glad you didn't show us the old toe nail though! The Moose is amazing I would love to see one, or two preferably at two moose lake!! lol.
    Wren x


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