Crystals and Shadows

I've been lazy.  I toss my phone in my pocket whenever I go out and leave my DSLR in the closet.  I was glad I decided to pick up the bigger camera and head out as the sun was starting to go down.  The snow started to catch the light in such a way that there looked to be large diamonds everywhere. Even among the shadows, light was gleaming.  A few even tricked me into taking a closer look, but each time I discovered another snow crystal.


  1. A beautiful capture. Truly lovely. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Hello, love the shadow captures. Pretty B&W image. Happy weekend to you!

  3. Beautiful play between shadow and light.

  4. This is so pretty and I see those sparkles!

  5. Beautiful photo! Snow is so much prettier in photos! I think I am just ready for spring! It is so cold and windy here! But this black and white image is just lovely!
    ps Thank you for dropping by blog! :)

  6. The colours of winter - black and white, but they still create an appealing photo. I'm like you Andrea and have been using my iPhone for the majority of photography. The whole time we were in Florida I only pulled out my DSLR once.
    I feel bad about not utilizing a camera I spent good money on but the phone cameras have come such a long way and are much easier to transport.

  7. What a neat shot, the shadows are so cool.

  8. wow, I love the pattern and composition in this photo. Well done :)


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