March First Magic

I am having a rather sleepy morning.  My body feels like having a wee break at the moment and I am so grateful for my blog friends when I feel like having a cup of tea and a sit down. 

I did go for my usual walk this morning, and even though this photo reflects a usual day, it is anything but.  I failed to capture it in the photograph, but the air is filled with the finest glitter.  It is the prettiest thing to walk in and I just couldn't help but feel like I was surrounded by something magical. Indeed, whenever we stop and truly immerse ourselves in the nature that surrounds us, it does feel magical, but glitter floating around everywhere you look sure helps!

I also took the time to sign up for the tea cup/mug exchange over at The Enchanting Rose. I decided to stick with just the mug this time, as I had an extremely difficult time finding a tea cup last fall and I would hate to disappoint anyone.

I always love the first of the month.  This morning I took my time with my calendars, I have several, and savored the moment of the slight change in decor with the new art as well as lingering on the feeling of time passing. Most of the time, it goes unnoticed, but today I feel it at a level that is both uncomfortable and deeply satisfying at the same time. In many ways I do not want my life to change from where it is today, and yet can hardly wait to see what the future brings.  I read a tidbit recently that stirred something deep within me that said aging is scary, but fascinating. For myself this means the ever expanding perspective.  I think some people call this wisdom, maybe it is, but who can say? One moment, you can be quite certain of something, and another moment will creep up and change your mind, or at least add to it giving you food for thought.

Well, the glitter show continues outside, so I had better go enjoy a little more of that before it's off to the city for groceries this afternoon. 

Happy March Everyone!


  1. Hello, sweet Andrea, and Happy March to you. My, didn't February simply fly by?!

    I am so glad you will be participating in the Tea Cup and Mug Exchange as your presence makes it even lovelier :)

    I hope you have a splendid day. Hugs to you!

  2. Beautiful photo! We are to have severe T-storms here today and it is 80 degrees! What??? What a crazy winter!

  3. WOW, you still have snow we have none. Actually we never had enough for my liking this year. Great shot. Hug B

  4. I love your photo. How I have missed winter!!

  5. We'll be getting the glitter tomorrow as the warm air turns to snow. It's been a crazy Winter here in Ohio with mild temps and little snow. I'm ready for Spring in a few weeks and hopefully the mild will continue and not give us tons of cold and snow for the month of March! Love all your pics!

  6. Your photo of the soft light of morning looking down the road is indeed magical! I love it and that expectation of good things ahead at the opening of a new month!
    Happy March!

  7. You hit the nail squarely on the head ---------ageing IS scary, but wonderful at the same time.

    I have a progressive disease that right now is under fairly good control, but the future is scary! But, there are things I want to do in the future. But, the future is scary! And ............I think Steve and I are going to TAKE the scary leap! (It's also the BEST time of life .....getting older definitely DOES have its benefits.)

  8. Hi Andrea, Beautiful photo and wishing you a wonderful start to the new month and season ahead.
    Have a great weekend ahead. Blessings, xo

  9. YOur photo is magical, even if the glitter int he air did not show it is still very beautiful. I don't mind getting older, I wish our society viewed older as better not the way it does with all the anti aging everything out there.

  10. I love the sunflare here. Such a pretty photo. - I'm not so sure about the "aging" thing but life does march on inspite of how we feel about it.


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