The Winter Garden

I'm starting to think about ordering my seeds for the upcoming spring.  I love walking in my garden, even when it is blanketed with snow, imagining the transformation that is soon to come.  I daydream about all the things I might do to change my garden this year.  There are several perennials that will need to be divided this year.  Maybe I will have to build a new garden to accommodate them. We do not plan to travel this year, so I intend on filling many planters with all sorts of annuals and scattering them around the yard.  I have a wonderful collection of blue planters that went completely ignored last year because we went on a long summer vacation.  I cannot wait to get them started! I love starting a lot of things from seeds, but I also love visiting the nurseries and picking up a few of those instant gratification plants as well.  I especially love to collect various coleus plants and arrange them on my covered deck in a mass collection of planters.  There are so many different kinds now. Anyway, there will be plenty of time to talk about all that in a few months.  For now, I get to make a list of seeds as I browse the catalogs that are coming in.


  1. Spring-time dreaming at its best. Enjoy those catalogs!

  2. Let your imagination run riot! I'm sure you will reap the benefits of all your fond wishes and dreams for your garden in just a few months! Time is flying!
    Love your snow pics too!

  3. I love your photos, especially the lighting. I've been thinking about the gardens too and whether to plant seeds or not. There is so much to do. I love the coleus plants too, they do come in some amazing colours. I can't wait to see what you do.

  4. Beautiful photos. I am dreaming of plants to add to the garden this year, also. I look forward to seeing your colorful pots of coleus plants.

  5. Oh, dearest Andrea,
    in black & white the charm of the snow is even much more noticeable,
    thank you for sharing your stunning shots today !

    Wishing you a most wonderful Sunday and new week ahead,
    I'm thinking of you with much love, sweetest friend of mine

    XO Dany

  6. You have captured the snow so well in these black and white shots. I am already planning what/where to plant this spring. Can't wait!

  7. Enjoy dreaming and planning! That is a great way to garden isn't it.

  8. Beautiful photo's.
    Have fun sorting through the seed catalogues

    All the best Jan

  9. Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.



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