
Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore.        Robin Hobb


I have followed up that quote with a photo of things.  A tiny sample of the things I fill my home with to make it feel warm and cozy.  But the problem with things, no matter how lovely they are, their magic only works when surrounded with the members of my wonderful family.  There are some things that hold memories of loved ones long gone, or of friends that have moved on. But they are few, and of course, very special.  I wonder which things will take on meaning after I'm gone?


  1. You are so right! A house is just that until it is filled with love and the people we love and hold dear!
    I love this cute wee snow guy too though! I've been known to make a few to decorate with!

  2. This has always been my understanding of the meaning of home, especially over the last few years as I have been moving a lot...but still continually surrounded with family, friends, and people I love.

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

  3. So true ----- I am not very attached to just any old things, but the few things I have that remind me of relatives past ....THEY are special to me.

    Love that snowman. He is adorable!

  4. That is a very interesting perspective! I also love the things that have memories attached. Oh, this darling little snowman just makes my heart sing!

  5. That is a very interesting perspective! I also love the things that have memories attached. Oh, this darling little snowman just makes my heart sing!

  6. I have my mother in law's embroidery framed on the wall-I can glance at it every time I need a little boost-she was always very supportive of me. I think my kids might keep a teacup from my collection although they think they are hokey right now. Who really knows. Keeping busy is the only way I know of geting passed the post Christmas empty feeling. Upping the cosy sounds like a good plan.

  7. This is so true. I have tons of keepsake type things in my home. I don't know what will happen to them after I'm gone. But in the meantime, I can enjoy the memories. Have a wonderful day, Pat xx

  8. Very true. I wonder that all the time. The things that matter to me, those are from family members long gone may not matter a bit to my children.

  9. Ah yes, a house becomes a home when there are people in it making memories. A friend once told me when I was head of a large gardening organization to 'make a difference' so I'd be remembered and making a difference in people's lives through kindness will certainly help them remember us.

  10. Such a beautiful post. I'm sentimental and have treasures from loved ones that mean a lot to me. It is interesting to think what things will remind folks of me when I am gone. Thanks for accepting my fb request.

  11. As one who has been dealing with things after someone has gone, I can tell you it is the oddest things which take on significance, and not the ones that you expect. I have no idea how or why it works the way it does! There is no chance of us figuring it out though. I am pretty sure of that.


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