A Catch-Up Post

Oh my goodness, was my last post really about Halloween???  Time has flown by so quickly, and now that my daughter's birthday has passed, it is time to start thinking about the next event, Christmas of course!  We have a very relaxed holiday planned, as we have every year and hopefully everything goes as planned, as it usually does.  My little girl's 12th birthday was the exception this year.  The poor thing was so sick on her special day, I had to take her to a walk in clinic for a Dr. to take a look.   A bad throat infection has settled in and for the first time that I can remember she has to go on a round of antibiotics.  After only 4 out of 30 pills down, she is showing signs of renewed health!
In the meantime, I've been wandering around with my camera and taking advantage of any photo opportunity that crosses my path.  We've had some incredible sun rises and sets, and one good dose of hoar frost.  My sweet, tiny kitten is 5 months old and growing so quickly that it's hard to believe it is the same cat from day to day.
I should also mention that back in October, I took a part time job at a beautiful home décor shop and have been loving it.  It is the first time I've worked in 12 and 1/2 years and it has been a very healthy change for me to get out of the house and meet new people.

I had fun hand molding those 12 little birdies.

Hoar frost has a wonderful way of making me believe in magic again, even if it is only a brief moment.

I try not to miss a sunrise or sunset.  You never know how spectacular one might be.

Crisp.  That's the only thing that comes to mind.

My old tricycle in what is now, a winter garden.

Our sweet, little, faithful friends, the chickadees.  They seem to look forward to our visits, and they tweet out,
"Fresh seed everyone!".

"Prowling through the snow.  I'm going to catch that squirrel."

A simple, and free arrangement for my front porch.

Sooty, now 5 months old, and beginning to take on the look of an adult cat.  He has the most beautiful fur.
A last minute addition.  The hubby brought home a lovely bouquet this afternoon and I put together this
arrangement with it.  Lovely, don't you think?


  1. So sorry your daughter was ill, but glad she is on the mend. Good for you getting the part time job, it helps to get out of the house a bit.

    1. The girl is really feeling better today! The fever is completely gone, and she says her throat is barely bothering her. It was a very dramatic change in such a short time.

  2. Wow, what a cake! I can guarantee I never had a cake like that as a kid for my birthday, ha ha :) Gorgeous pics, as always. I love the prowling dog. Reminds me of Kodi when he's on the hunt. It's universal body language :)

    I think you are perfect for a home decor shop. You definitely have the knack.

    Glad Kaitlynn is feeling better!

    1. Thank-you so much for stopping by and for your very kind words. I really loved doing that cake, and for once it actually turned out as I had envisioned.

  3. Oh Andrea, I am so sorry to hear your daughter has been so sick! I am very thankful and glad to hear she is doing better.

    Your pictures are lovely and the one of your tricycle is quite captivating. Also, the cake looks divine! I just love the sweet birds you made :)

    Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you so much Stephanie. The cake was a big hit!


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