Frosty Days

In the Fall, thoughts of winter are depressing.  But with the temperatures barely below zero, virtually no wind and hoar frost that just won't quit, it's impossible to feel anything other than awe.


  1. Wow! Beautiful photos! I'm glad you were able to capture these!

  2. Hi Andrea-- Happy New Year to you pretty lady! We don't have any of that white stuff yet and I'm thankful-- in fact it's a balmy 60 degrees here this morning-/ so weird!! But it won't last long-- in the 30's tomorrow!

    Your photos are stunning-- I have to admit-- snow makes for beautiful picture taking!! I just hate to drive in it:(

  3. Who would think palettes of nothing but white could be so beautiful, especially when it comes with all the annoying parts of cold and snow, but it sure is, isn't it? Gorgeous pictures.

    I hope your holidays were wonderful!

  4. Oh Andrea, what beautiful photos! It's like everything is simply frozen in time :) Happy New Year, sweet lady! Hugs to you!


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