Spring Scenes

It seems that our Spring has finally arrived.  I have plants coming up in the garden, more on that later, and I have spent a day or two outside in just a t-shirt (pants too, course). 

My son and I went on a picnic this past weekend and got our first mosquito bite as well a bunch of wood ticks. I'll spare you those photos, but neighbors beware -they are back and they are plentiful!

My dog loves to get his belly wet, and has been spending quite a bit of time in our temporary pond.  I'm afraid it is not going to be there for long though as we are far dryer than normal for this time of year.

It is so wonderful to have all the songbirds back giving life to the outdoors again.

Too bad about that twig obscuring her face, but otherwise a cute shot.

A warm dog is a sleepy dog.

Loving all the geese action!


  1. Hi Andrea - Spring has woken .. chilly here - but I definitely am not so bundled up ... gorgeous photos - cheers Hilary

  2. Hi Andrea, Your dog is so sweet! Love all your photos of spring! Wishing you a lovely May.

  3. Spring certainly took her good sweet time getting here, but isn't it lovely now!

  4. I live in the land of summer, so it's a different story here, but we've had mosquitoes out for the last three months. *sigh* Love the pictures.

  5. Such beautiful photos my friend, enjoy Spring!

  6. It's lovely to see Spring out your way, It's looking a glorious Spring around the world isn't it? Much deserved after the winter you've all had. Enjoy
    Wren x

  7. Thanks for the chuckle.....pants too.....😂

  8. These are great. Loved the dog.

  9. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.



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