Crafting and Decorating

Yesterday, I noticed the leaves on the pumpkin vines wilting.  I really thought I was done watering this year, and if frost looked to be imminent, I would be.  But instead, it looks like we're in for a heat wave. This is very good news for the underdeveloped pumpkins.
Actually, I didn't think there was all that much on those vines.  But the wilted leaves revealed that there is plenty of treasure to be had.  So I was watering last night and early this morning and I'll be out there again this evening giving everyone a good dose. Those leaves perked up almost immediately!
During the hot parts of the day though, there is time for some crafting and decorating.  The fabric pumpkins below are especially dear to me.  They are made from a worn loved one's sweater.  The stems are dried from last year's pumpkin crop and I just love the acorn dangle. The other is just a bit of décor.  I have so much fun decorating this hutch for every season. It lends itself perfectly to just about anything!



  1. Lovely pumpkin. I've just been thinking about crocheting some pumpkins and squashes for decorating the coffee table in my living room. I've always bought tiny fresh squashes and displayed them on a glass plate in the fall, but I think crocheted ones would be really fun instead.

  2. Hi Andrea - well done on rescuing the pumpkins ... they are delicious ... so enjoy them - great selection ... cheers Hilary

  3. Lovely pumpkins! Glad to hear you rescued the real life ones, as well. Mine succumbed to squash bugs....again.

  4. Your home is PERFECTLY pumpkin!!!

  5. This speaks of the fall and you did a nice way of decorating

  6. Hello, just some water and your pumpkins are happy. I like your pumpkin and the cute little bird. Pretty decor for your hutch! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  7. Hi Andrea! I LOVE your fabric pumpkins! It's so much fun decorating for this season! Hope the real pumpkins do well in the heat.

  8. Such cute pumpkins and a great way to recycle a sweater! Can't wait to see more! I'm hoping the few pumpkins I have will make it! Thankfully we're in for rain this week as we'll be gone on vacation for a week and won't be able to water. Have a good week!

  9. Hey, stand up and take a bow - love your knitted pumpkins!!!
    Wren x

  10. Your pumpkins are darling, my friend! And I just love the color. I must confess to liking the nontradition colors since orange is not quite my favorite {{smiles}}

    Fall is coming....yippee! Hugs to you!

  11. I like your pumpkin and the cute little bird. Pretty decor for your hutch! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!



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