An Odd Fear

I've always been a collector. I had all sorts of items squirreled away in different parts of the yard I grew up in. It was a sad day when I had to give up part of my hoard.
I was about 7 years old, wandering around the yard like usual, I stumbled upon a beauty of a feather;  jet black and shiny, a perfect specimen and I couldn't resist. I was holding it for several seconds when I felt something crawling on the back of my fingers. Startled, I turned my hand over to reveal a huge black beetle, not unlike the colour of the feather, clinging to my skin. Several hard shakes and it would not let go.  I used my other hand to get rid of it and ran in the opposite direction.
Now, here is the interesting part - my mind decided that somehow this beautiful feather that I was still holding had somehow magically produced the little monster that had scared the wits out of me. And being witless as I was, became convinced of it.  I dropped the feather, went to my room where I kept this particular delicate collection, took them outside and dumped the lot.
Fear had taken something from me.  Where there was once intrigue and beauty, now every time a feather presented itself, all I could feel was disgust.
Fast forward to years later.  My daughter has the same interest in random items found in nature.  She has a small collection of feathers in a special place in her room. When out on a walk recently, I saw this beauty of a feather, my first inclination was to take a photo of it and leave it where it was. I knew however, that it would make a lovely "Good Morning" gift for my girl.  Strong memories of why I do not pick up feathers were at the forefront of my mind when I picked it up, turned it over and gently placed it in my pocket. 
I couldn't help but wonder if there was a large beetle exploring in there, and I had to remind myself several times on my way home that I had thoroughly inspected it.
As expected, it did make a much appreciated gift and her smile was worth it. Also, I do believe I made some headway in resolving an old irrational fear. That's not to say I'm restarting that particular collection, but now, someday is a possibility.


  1. You found a great feather and glad you were able to get past your fear to give it to your daughter knowing SHE would love it.

  2. Glad you were able to get past your fear :)

  3. I find it fascinating how we can hold on to a fear that can grip us decades later. I'm glad you we able to pick up tha feather for your daughter. I have to admit I would freak out too if a beetle latched on to me

  4. Irrational fears are irrational aren't they so it is hard to understand them, but I am glad for you that you are managing to move on from yours. I am sure that your daughter appreciated the feather.

  5. Hello, it is a pretty feather. It is a good thing to let go of your fears. Have a happy day!

  6. That tale pulled me in; you could develop a great story out of that!

  7. Lovely feather find. - It's wonderful that you were able to swallow down that childhood fear and share the joy of a nature find.

  8. Fear stops us all from doing wonderful things...a lesson I try to teach my girls and one I also try to remember. Lovely to read. Fears be gone.

  9. What an interesting post! We need to reprogram your thoughts to lots of cute little wrens & friends about the world leaving you a gift of a feather to say hello! The other thing that is fascinating is that your daughter has the same feather collection as you did as a child, how wonderful that you have passed on your love of nature (without the beetle fear!)
    I look forward to seeing your feather collection some day!!
    Wren x

  10. This is a great post Andrea. My son and I were just talking about how fear can hold you back from going forward in life. Glad you are able to let go of your fear. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a great fall season ahead. xo

  11. I always thin that feathers are a special surprise for the Universe just for you. I am glad you got over your fear and made your girls day. I have a whole jar of them in my office. And I am still thrilled when I find a beautiful feather on my lawn.

  12. It's interesting how memories can affect us so much. So sweet of you to try and conquer that fear to surprise your daughter, it was definitely worth it. I remember a tin of feathers I had as a child. I can't remember where the tin came from (probably my mom) but I found many feathers at a campground as a child and stored them in this tin. I never knew what happened to it but over the years I have never forgotten it.

  13. I look forward to seeing your feather collection some day!!


  14. Obviously, I had to come back and read it again! Well done on the story - is it featured on your blog?

  15. This is a nice and powerful write up very straightforward, informating, and easily to understand thanks alot


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