The Cute and Colorful

On several of the blogs I visited today there were pictures of sweet kitties, so I thought I would share one I took just this morning.
I usually see a lot of great ideas on Pinterest, but rarely do I have to jump right up and get started on something.  These little wood houses were an exception though.  The ones on either end are pretty much copy cats of what I seen online, art by Saskia Obdeijn, but the four in the middle, I came up with myself. My sister commented that I was getting an early start on my Halloween decorations this year, and although they will fit in well with October's décor, I did not have that theme in mind at all. No, these wee houses mean much more to me than a passing season. 
All over the countryside where we live, are abandoned houses.  Usually, they are in the middle of a field surrounded by a few trees.  These were the homesteads of 100 plus years ago. I find them both inviting and lonely, and I know they hold many memories for the folks that still run their farms around them.  That generation is nearly gone though, and so many of the houses are being torn down and the old yard sites are being bulldozed.  I will miss these buildings and the stories they conjured in my mind and often in conversation.
Here is another piece of art that is just meant to be fun and to add some color to my garden. It will likely find its way to a fence or garden shed very soon.  I used to doodle vines like these until an entire page would be filled.  Many a dull lecture was spent this way.


  1. Your kitty is ADORABLE! Looks like he is a very curious kitty!

    Who are you on Pinterest? Those houses turned out GREAT! I would keep them out all year too.

  2. Oh my word, Andrea, I LOVE your house blocks & have seen them on Pinterest! If you want to sell any, please let me know!

  3. You are so talented and creative. I love both the houses and the doodle vine decoration. AND your cat picture is absolutely adorable.

  4. Dearest Andrea,
    your Kitty is ismply adorable and how lovely your pieces of art are !

    Wishing you a lovely remainder of your week,
    I'm sending blessings to you,
    with utmost gratitude

    XOXO Dany

  5. Hello Andrea, your kitty is adorable. The houses are wonderful, you did wonderful. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  6. Sweet little cat :) Your crafted houses look wonderful. I know exactly how you feel about abandoned farm houses. We pass many of them out our way too. But here the farms are either being swallowed up for development or left to grow wild. Each place has its own story to tell, but their stories are being lost with each new generation.

  7. Your houses are great, looks they are lots of fun to create too - you want to watch out as you'll have a whole housing estate soon! I love art in the garden too your vines with birds are lovely, you are a very good doodler, I think I have always doodled boxes!! That must say something about our personalities!! Anyway I'm getting out of my box tonight and we're off to Laos on a holiday, will be in touch soon Andrea :)

  8. So...I am doing the A to Z Challenge and was perusing when I saw a comment on one of the blogs and the black cat caught my eye so this is how I found your blog:) First I love your fur babes and this picture of one of them is truly cute and shows off the curiosity of said pussy cat. I then saw your art and am loving it! I love the story behind it as well and can see how much love you put into painting this. I think it is great all year long and can always be displayed. You have the shading and the whimsy caught. I looked at other posts and love your many photos.

  9. Hi there Kitty! :) Love your little houses and your doodling. I keep saying I'll doodle and draw every day and then just can't seem to keep up with it. So much character to be found in the old homes ... a true shame when they lay abandoned, fall into ruin and then are completely demolished.

  10. Sweet kitties, the black one seems to be interested in the painted bird. I like the painted house blocks, especially sitting on the shelf where they are.

  11. You're very talented and I love the houses! Your kitties are the look on the black one's face looking at that bird! We had a cat for about 14yrs but she passed away a few years ago. Have a good weekend!

  12. What a sweet looking kitty.
    Oh I love your little houses and the bird decor is so colorful. You are very creative.

  13. Hi Andrea, Aw your little kitty is adorable. Love the wood houses and your tree design. You are so talented. Have a great weekend.

  14. Have not heard from you in a while. Hope everything is ok. Wishing you a blessed Mother's Day.

  15. Your blog is very useful for me,Thanks for your sharing.



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