Grey Days

That is a pretty little quote, but I only chose it because I would like to live with that belief.  I spend far too much time hating on the weather.
Actually, I really love the rain, and when it's not a torrential downpour, I love to go out in it.  Of course I love the sun, and really, who doesn't?  But the wind and the snow, no matter how much I try to see the beauty in them, I just want to go back inside and wait until that weather passes.  Which in Canada is about 5 months of the year.  Not healthy.
Don't get me wrong, I love a gentle breeze on a warm day.  But I live on a Canadian prairie where a 'breeze' is 40km/hr strong.  It's not going to be the sun that ages my skin prematurely, it will be that drying prairie wind causing my face to resemble old leather.
Anyway, in an effort to more love where I live, I try to make it out whenever the weather is not too severe.  I get some fresh air and grab a few photos to play with.  Today I thought I'd play with the vintage feature in Photoshop.  The wind had rearranged the snow into some large drifts, and my wonderful husband created a trail for me to walk near them. 


  1. Beautiful thoughts and lovely photos :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Lovely quote, beautiful photos....I'm a fan of grey days and rainy days they always seem to give me a burst of energy.

  3. Your wind swirled drifts are beautiful. Weather has always been good to me ... I even love snow and wind, though I am not a fan of the gray days of winter. I love going out in the snow and playing with my dog ... she has a heavy coat so winter is her favorite time of year. I love spring because of it's freshness and fall because of it's cooling temperatures and beautiful colors. Summer is culturally everyone's favorite in the US because school lets out and everyone gets to do things they wouldn't at other times of the year ... but I don't do well with humidity, so summer can seem too long for me at times. Beautiful post ... love how you address subjects that make us think.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. Love your photos:)) I love rainy grey days, it's the sort of day that I want to be indoors and be creative. I'm not as fond of the really hot weather, partly because we don't have air conditioning.

  5. I'd love to believe these words too but it is difficult. We don't have the snow but lots and lots of rain and wind. This winter feels never ending doesn't it? Never mind Spring will be here soon enough - I hope! :))

  6. goodness that really looks cold! We've had a difficult winter, a very cold winter!! I just hope and pray that the cold has killed the spiders and bugs this coming summer!!
    You must have very strong wind to rearrange your snow into the drifts. I hope spring is around the corner for all of us!

  7. These are wonderful. I'm really fond of the last 2 shots. I'm not much of a "winter" person myself but am trying to learn to enjoy it's beauty by photographing some of it to see it in a different way then just an annoyance.

  8. I SO miss the seasons, living here in the desert...most especially the snow of home. LOVELY photos - thank you!

  9. Your photos of your winter are so beautiful. They feel cannot see the wind in them! I hate wind too and thankfully we do not get much of it. When we lived in Kansas and Missouri for 2 yrs it was windy every day, or so it seemed. I hated it.


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