A Taste of Summer

It is the coldest day of the year here so far.  With a wind chill temperature of minus fifty degrees, let's hope it doesn't get any colder.  What is there do on a day when any travel is dangerous and stepping outside, even for a short walk is painful?  I've journaled and read and worked on a puzzle.  I've done some housework and watched some TV.  I've played the piano and hung out with my kids.  Of course, I've had a long, hot shower and I've been drawn to my computer several times.  I have even had a short nap.  Now, with a mocha nearby, I am keeping my spirits up by playing with some bright colors and doing some shopping on Etsy.  Looking forward to warmer weather, days when I can go outside without risking permanent scarring via frostbite, when I can get regular doses of fresh air and generally feel better about life.

I put together another treasury this morning, more suited to the mood of the day.  I love the raven and all the lore and symbolism it brings with it.  It is one of the few birds that can weather even a day like today, and you can find them soaring the skies reminding us that life hasn't ended out there.
This past fall, I had one that would watch for me and when I got to the garden, he would soar down and land on our nearby fence.  He would turn his head sideways and caw and screech at me.  I would respond by chatting some friendly words back, "Hi, how are you today?" or, "Boy, your feathers are shiny!".   The conversation would go on until Bear, my dog, would get jealous and chase off our new friend.  This went on for a few weeks, and then the visits abruptly ended.  Maybe he'll be back again later this year.


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog Andrea. What a treat to find all those beautiful citrus colours when i came over to check you out. I will be back for a more in depth look as I can see you have some thoughtful posts I need to read.

  2. Hi Andrea! So nice to meet you. I'm sorry you have frostbite and hope it heals quickly. We're warming up a bit and it's supposed to be about 40 tomorrow....crazy huh? Your blog looks fun and I'm looking forward to coming back often. Love the bright colors you have featured...I'm so ready for Spring! Thanks for visiting my blog today! Come back soon!


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