Grey Days

That is a pretty little quote, but I only chose it because I would like to live with that belief. I spend far too much time hating on the weather. Actually, I really love the rain, and when it's not a torrential downpour, I love to go out in it. Of course I love the sun, and really, who doesn't? But the wind and the snow, no matter how much I try to see the beauty in them, I just want to go back inside and wait until that weather passes. Which in Canada is about 5 months of the year. Not healthy. Don't get me wrong, I love a gentle breeze on a warm day. But I live on a Canadian prairie where a 'breeze' is 40km/hr strong. It's not going to be the sun that ages my skin prematurely, it will be that drying prairie wind causing my face to resemble old leather. Anyway, in an effort to more love where I live, I try to make it out whenever the weather is not too severe. I get some fr...