Autumn on The Front Porch

There have been so many pictures online of beautiful, inspiring front porches decorated for the season that I thought I ought to share mine. I have this gorgeous set of iron planters that I always have something going on in. This fall it is chrysanthemums in the perfect autumn colours, homegrown pumpkins, gourds, and corn. There is a wreath made from Engelmens Ivy and a few handmade brooms I threw together with caragana branches, twigs and grass.

On the other side are my set of black, basket weave planters.  They contain another chrysanthemum, poplar brances, corn stalks, cattail grass and a couple of super cute gifts from my sister.   She gave me that little ghost solar lantern and, look closely, there is a crow she created from corn husks.   I have no idea how she did this, but I plan on going out for a lesson.  I also had a couple of pumpkins that lost their stems, and so they have been stacked and topped with a gourd, that apparently is trying to blend in with his cousins.  That is the only one I have out of 21 gourds that has turned orange


  1. Hi Andrea so lovely to "see" you over at my place. I haven't visted for awhile so it was lovely to catch up on what you have been doing. I love all of the Halloween decoration at your house. Will the children be dressing up for trick or treating? Halloween is just starting to become popular here so we don't get too many visitors on the night.

  2. Hi Rossylalah, Thanks for visiting! Yeah the kids will be dressing up and going out after school for a little bit. Then we'll visit Grandma'a and Grandpa's and then back out to the country to await visits from some of our neighbors. It should be a fun night!


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