Winter Comforts

A coffee scented candle and a mocha treat me to a coffee shop experience without leaving the house. I should put on some chatter in the background to complete the effect. Did you know that there is actually a channel you can listen to all day long that is just the hum of  people happily chatting?

Winter has, so far, been exceptionally kind to us in terms of its temperatures and I've been able to enjoy long periods of time outdoors. It's good to be out listening to the noisy birds that visit our garden in the winter. Our house house has been so quiet since our daughter moved out in August. I do like quiet, but this is a bit much. We visited her in November and she is doing very well, enjoying living on her own, even though she is working long hours at her new job.

My son turned 15 in August and recently acquired his learner's license. He took us on our first drive to the city yesterday, and did a great job. Yesterday also happened to be our daughter's 18th birthday and my dog turned 9. So, it was a big day. I got pretty emotional as we were on our way home with Jared behind the wheel. It seemed like such a short time span from when my daughter got her learner's, graduated to a license and then moved out. I'm not ready to be an empty nester.



  1. I remember thinking this too - but then we ended up moving out and the kids got the house and the crazy poodle!!Glad your winter has been kind often think of you whenever I have a certain mug!
    Have a great week
    Wren x


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