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We had snow this past week, on Monday, September 30. It is never a fun thing to see snow when so many crops are still in the field.  We, as grain farmers, are only half done, so it is a little depressing as we still haven't got back in the fields, and more rain and snow is in the forecast. The past snow has melted, and it just looks like a regular fall day out there, although it is quite cold. Hopefully, the forecast is wrong and we are able to get the harvest in.
The other sad thing is that all my pumpkins and gourds are in the garage. The forecast, being so dismal this year, made me decide to try and sell them, and I've been quite successful. They've gone to good homes, where they won't meet an early end due to frost.


  1. Hi Andrea - that does seem early. Good luck with completing the harvest ... while those pumpkins are amazing and well done for selling some. Good to see you're back to normal - cheers Hilary

  2. HI! Sorry the snow has come early for you. I hope the harvest is able to be competed soon. Sorry you had to sell your pumpkins...but what a wonderful knowing that you grew so many wonderful ones!
    It's calling for snow here today. We'll have to see if anything comes of it.

  3. Hope the weather holds off so you can get in your harvest. I love all the pumpkins and gourds, if I lived closer I would pop in and buy some.

  4. Hello, sorry about the early snow. I love the photo of your pumpkins and gourds. We could use some rain here, we are in a drought. Thanks for the visit. Have a great day and a happy new week!

  5. I do enjoy some snow in the winter but I'm not quite ready for it yet. Hoping to get some pretty fall foliage!


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