Happy Hellos

Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful Fall and are enjoying preparing for the holidays. 
I don't want to spend too much time complaining, but we had the most miserable fall in memory. I do try to not allow the weather to affect my mood, but my goodness, all that snow and freezing in September really did dampen my spirits.
Aside from that, I've been having fun teaching myself to knit, and I'll have to get some project photos up soon. I just wanted to drop in and share this sweet photo of my kitty and wave a happy hello to you all.


  1. Hi Andrea - well I'm glad I didn't have that wintery weather so early. Glad you've been knitting though ... keep going ... and take care - cheers Hilary

  2. Hello to you and your cute kitty. I am not a fan of winter weather any time. The knitting can be a fun project. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

  3. Hello dear Andrea. So nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your poor weather. I'm excited to see your knitting projects. Say hello to your sweet, beautiful kitty. Hugs, Pat

  4. We were under heat waves in September which I hate..LOL.Today I am looking out from my office window and it is snowy...wet snow but it is so pretty..sorry but I hate the heat. I look forward to seeing your creativity. Your pussy cat is so cute and love the picture with his reflection

  5. Happy Wednesday right back at you to you and your cute kitty! I'm sorry your Fall has been so miserable at least you have something to show for it from your knitting. Can't wait to see!
    Wren x

  6. Happy Hello back at you! Our Fall was wet, wet, and more wet. We've had snow off and on and it's been pretty cold too. And it's not even Winter yet! Oh well, every place has it's challenges once in a while! I'll look forward to your knitting projects!

  7. Well, if this isn't just the sweetest picture! I have missed visiting your blog, sweet friend.

    May you and yours have a most beautiful Christmas season. Hugs!

  8. Yay, knitting! I am so happy for you. It is frustrating at first, well even after you have done it for 32 years, but it is worth it. We have a ton of orb weavers on my lanai, but ours are small, black and with a tiny bit of orange on them.


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