Prickly Little Friend

While out for a drive yesterday, hoping to photograph some wildlife, we only met with one willing participant.  I suppose I should say indifferent because that is exactly what a porcupine is like.  You are lucky if he so much as glances at you, and forget about a second glance. This little guy just went about his business as though I was not even there.  

We also saw several ravens, but as soon as we pulled over, they would fly off. I spotted an absolutely beautiful coyote, but he was also extremely shy.  I didn't even have time to get a shot of his backside. Normally, we see deer on every drive, but they too seemed to know I had my camera with me this time.

Oh well, it's actually not that often that we get to see a porcupine alive.  Sadly, all too often, they are dead on the side of the road.  They don't move all that quickly, the poor things.  So I had a lot of fun just observing this little guy for a while. I've named him Pete...

These photos are too unusual not to share, so I'm going to join in fun over at Eileen's blog for Saturday's Critters...Have a happy Saturday everyone.


  1. Hi Andrea ... I hope I see a porcupine while I'm here ... but our birds are out singing their hearts out - which is wonderful ... cheers Hilary

  2. Hello, what a neat critter. I have never seen a porcupine in the wild, lucky you! Great photos too!
    Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Hello Andrea! So glad you found this sweet porcupine to photograph! He even seems to be waving in your last photo!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. He is really darling. How fun to sit and watch him. Come to my house we have deer everyday, they are smaller Florida deer not like yours at all.

  5. You photographed Pete beautifully, what gorgeous photos. You really captured the details of his quills also. I have an animal I've named Pepper here that I may post about one day. I laughed when I saw you named this little guy also.

  6. Wonderful shots! I've never seen a porcupine in real life around here. It's fun when we get to photograph wildlife. I catch a deer every so often and a few birds. I want to get another chance at the owls living in the pines..they too fly off pretty quick! Have a good weekend!

  7. WOW, fantastic shots. I have never been able to get a great shot. They sure are beautiful but unwanted around her. B

  8. To actually see a porcupine in the wild seems amazing to me. I've never been able to find one. Love the shots of this little guy, they really are cute! I saw a nice fluffy-tailed skunk cross my street last week ... just hope he doesn't take up residence under my shed!

  9. What an amazing little creature! I don't think I've ever seen a live porcupine. I loved seeing your beautiful photos. My best wishes to you, Pat

  10. A porcupine in the wild ... what an exceptional sighting. The white of the snow really shows the details of the quills - great shots!

  11. Oh these are wonderful. What a cute little fellow Pete is. I'd love to see one in the wild like that.

  12. If I didn't know any better I'd say that Porcupine looks to be very soft and cute! What gorgeous photos, I wonder how similar they are to an echidna, the Quills look so fine and delicate with the snowy backdrop!
    Wren x

  13. I really likes your blog! You have shared the whole concept really well and very beautifully soulful read!Thanks for sharing.


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