A Busy Start

Life has been beautifully busy. Welcome to summer!  Now that school is officially out, I thought time would slow down a bit, but nope! - It seems to be on fast forward. In the first two weeks of July alone, we will celebrate a special birthday, a 50th anniversary, my own 20th anniversary, send two kids to camp in opposite directions and pick them up. Somewhere we will try to get to the beach a few times and relax, and of course there is the yard to tend to. I forgot to mention, we kicked it all off with Canada Day on the 1st - our big 150! That was fun. A trip to a small town I'd never been to and then mini-golf and fireworks at the lake.
Being that Southern Saskatchewan is primarily farmland, it's not surprising
to see a giant sculpture of a common crop, oats. This is definitely one of
my favourite small town pieces. Ituna, Sk.

Fireworks at Good Sprit Provincial Park - always a delight and a photography challenge.
The slowest part of my day happens in the early morning when it's still cool enough to walk my dog. I love my mornings.  Happy July everyone!
I love the wide angle lens on my phone.


  1. So many things to be thankful for. Enjoy those milestones and that beauty that surrounds . Hug B

  2. Hello, lovely collection of photos. The sky and reflection in the last shot is beautiful. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. I love the clouds reflected in the lake.

    Happy 150th birthday, Canada!

  4. So many things filling up your time. ENJOY all of them!!!

  5. Your photos are amazing. Sounds like you are having a great summer! Have Fun, Pat

  6. Happy Anniversary, BIG 150 celebrations and Happy hols you are certainly having a busy time and it sounds wonderful. I loved the photo from the early morning dog walk and I can't wait to be doing the same with the Crazy Poodle in a few weeks back in Oz!
    Wren x

  7. Hi Andrea - congratulations on all the birthdays, anniversaries ... and then just enjoying life - gorgeous views ... enjoy your summer forays to beach, parks, parks etc ... cheers Hilary


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