Gardening Time - And It's About Time

I'd like to share with you today photos of what has been taking up all my time lately. Pretty much everything you see growing are perennials. The annuals will all go in this week and next. I'll be transplanting petunias, dusty millers, snapdragons, portulaca, marigolds, globe basil, coleus, begonias, hens and chicks, osteospermum, sage, sweet potato vine, and sunflowers. Most of these, I've been taking care of since I started them in April. I can't tell you how pleased I am how well have everything is growing this year.
Most of my vegetable garden is in.  I'd show you photos of that, but right now there are just sticks in the dirt marking the rows. But I did put in several rows of flowers among the veggies this year, so that will keep things interesting.
I add more rocks every year.
2 little fish in an ocean of creeping thyme.

Beautiful creeping phlox.

More thyme.  I just love how it crawls over the rocks.

Nothing like chives for early color.

Pink chives.

My lovely rows of trees.

 My constant and faithful companion.

Ok. My mystery plant. It is growing in my greenhouse. It is little, cute and doesn't seem to be spreading. Any idea what it could be? I could really use some help here.



  1. I love the look of your plants. The whole area is beautiful and also the fish "swimming". Nice! Wish I could help out with the plant identification, but I am at a loss.

  2. Your trees and plants are so pretty. You have been busy. My husband uses a lot of rocks in our landscape too. Your plant looks like a type of sedum, but I am not familiar with it. I look forward to seeing your veggies later in the season!

  3. You have a gorgeous yard. I don't know what the mystery plant is, but it is certainly interesting.

  4. Hi Andrea - they are growing so well and I love the fish in the sea of thyme ... clever. Sorry but no idea re your plant ... and look forward to seeing updates as the plants come to full bloom ... cheers Hilary

  5. Hi Andrea, your gardens are looking lovely and I like the blue fish on the sea of thyme. I have a friend that did a front lawn of thyme and when in bloom it's spectacular.
    It's so great to be out working in the soil and putting in plants again.

  6. Your garden is looking so beautiful my friend. Enjoy!

  7. Your garden looks so gorgesus, darling Andrea, enjoy this wonderful season together with your faithful, amazing companion :)

    With utmost gratitude,
    I'm sending blessings on your weekend

    XOXO Dany

  8. You've been busy! It's wonderful to be digging in the dirt instead of shoveling the snow isn't it! I hope you post again after everything is in and blooming. We just planted out garden last week. It's been a wet weekend here but that means no watering is necessary! Enjoy your Spring...sorry, I have no clue as to the identity of the mystery plant!

  9. Hello, your garden looks beautiful. The chives are a pretty color. I love your cute dog too, a very nice companion. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!


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