Gardening Time - And It's About Time

I'd like to share with you today photos of what has been taking up all my time lately. Pretty much everything you see growing are perennials. The annuals will all go in this week and next. I'll be transplanting petunias, dusty millers, snapdragons, portulaca, marigolds, globe basil, coleus, begonias, hens and chicks, osteospermum, sage, sweet potato vine, and sunflowers. Most of these, I've been taking care of since I started them in April. I can't tell you how pleased I am how well have everything is growing this year. Most of my vegetable garden is in. I'd show you photos of that, but right now there are just sticks in the dirt marking the rows. But I did put in several rows of flowers among the veggies this year, so that will keep things interesting. I add more rocks every year. 2 little fish in an ocean of creeping thyme. Beautiful creeping phlox. More thyme. I just love how it crawls over the rocks. Nothing lik...