The Cute and Colorful

On several of the blogs I visited today there were pictures of sweet kitties, so I thought I would share one I took just this morning. I usually see a lot of great ideas on Pinterest, but rarely do I have to jump right up and get started on something. These little wood houses were an exception though. The ones on either end are pretty much copy cats of what I seen online, art by Saskia Obdeijn , but the four in the middle, I came up with myself. My sister commented that I was getting an early start on my Halloween decorations this year, and although they will fit in well with October's décor, I did not have that theme in mind at all. No, these wee houses mean much more to me than a passing season. All over the countryside where we live, are abandoned houses. Usually, they are in the middle of a field surrounded by a few trees. These were the homesteads of 100 plus years ago. I find them both inviting...