
Unlike a lot of people, when I crave an escape or a change of pace, I head for a city.  People who do the opposite, visit the country to escape the city, often say they are leaving far too soon.  I have never felt that way about a city. It doesn't take long, and I am eager to go home, to get back to the quiet, the dirt roads and the complete lack of people.


  1. Pretty photo. Wishing you a restful weekend.

  2. I live in the city ............I escape to the beach in the winter. I have it almost all to myself. Not sure where I'll escape in the summer. LOL

    Love your photo looks very solitary out there.

  3. Your photos are always so beautiful. I need to escape period, I don;t even care where.

  4. Beautiful picture...

    Please visit:

  5. I live in a small city so the it's not that bad. I like the country but I'd rather be in the city. Love your pretty photo.

  6. Hello, beautiful scene and photo. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!


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