Dragons and A Cake

Having an unstructured, quiet morning, I found myself missing my blog.  Although I've been visiting others' blogs, I hadn't added to my own in nearly 2 weeks.  So I thought it was time to catch up with what has been going on around here.

We had our first get together since Uncle's passing. Although we were 2 days off my sister-in-law's special day, a comforting meal followed by a special cake was welcomed by everyone.  There was plenty of talk about Uncle and how things are going with the cleaning up of his home.  I know it isn't easy, and with every bit of physical progress, they make some emotional progress as well.  There are memories in everything they touch, right down to the old pancake mix.  Smiles are mixed with tears as they continue to sort through.

The beginning of the new year is always my time to get caught up on the past year of scrap booking. I have completed two, one for each of my children and am well into a separate album for our road trip to South Dakota that we enjoyed so much this past July. I have plans to do a couple of others before Spring comes, but we will see how fast the calendar rips the time carpet from under my feet.

I also have to show what my daughter has been up to.  She writes and draws, reads and sculpts. She has done several dragons from Sculpey, but these are our favourite. 

This little guy is holding a terracotta planter and is taking very good care of his wee sprout.  His name
was inspired by the Icelandic word for green - G'raenn.

This is Granite, and was inspired by her love of stones.


  1. Your daughter's dragons are so cute. I want to bite that last one .......he looks so chocolately-good!!!

    The love for your Uncle shines through your post. He certainly was a lucky man to have so many people that cared for him this way.

  2. Wow! I'm so impressed by your daughter's creative skill! Great dragons!
    Glad you are all helping each other through these hard days and bearing each other up.
    Best wishes

  3. It's tough going through a person's belongings, my heart goes out to your family. At least everyone has each other's support.

    Your daughter's dragons are adorable, she is very creative.

    Hope you have a great weekend, Kelly.

  4. Darling, you're so right !
    When we touch the things which belonged to a dear of ours who has passed away, tears are mixed with smiles, sadness with a little bit of joy ...

    As for your cake I'm far sure that your sister in law appreciated it so much, and you daughter's sculptures ... well, they left me in awe !

    May your weekend be blessed with serenity, my dearest Andrea.
    I hug you with so much, heartfelt love

  5. Good to see you posting today. - That cake looks yummy. I bet it was hard to go through your Uncle's things, I remember doing that when my dad dies and I dread doing it when my mom goes. It's good that there were wonderful memories to share.
    Wow your daughter's dragons are awesome. How old is your daughter? Coleen loves dragons and also has just started using Sculptey clay. She thought these were awesome.

  6. Every step forward after someone leaves us is a positive step. Love your daughters creations, she is very talented.

  7. Your daughter is incredibly talented, my friend! Thank you for sharing her creations with us.

    It's so good to visit you, dear Andrea. You and your precious family remain in my prayers. Hugs to you!

  8. Wow, your daughter is so talented...and what a beautiful cake. Keeping you in prayer, friend.


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