Blooms And Things

This funny, little mushroom has chosen to grow about 8 feet up in one of maple trees.
No danger of being tromped on up there!

I love the purple these Irises have to offer, it's just too bad they don't bloom a little longer.  But their long
grassy foliage makes a nice back drop for blooms later on.

The first of the marigold blooms.  I started them all from seed this year, and am so excited to
finally see a blossom!  Isn't that a happy color?

More irises. and I'm not sure what particular type these are either.  I dug them out of a friends' garden
and they bloom like crazy every Spring.

I planted a little patch of chives last year and they have produced better than I could have expected.  I know
they are delicious, but I keep them more for their blooms.

How cute is this little guy???  He loves the chives even more than I do.  This patch of flowers is
always humming with dozens of bees.

Another cute little thing.  He's nearly a week old and although that grass is too long for him, and he
keeps tripping, it doesn't slow him down much.  Just keeps on running.

I often look at my lawn and think of all the weeding I have to do to keep dandelions from completely taking over. 
But now and again, I stop and take the time to appreciate the beauty in these magical flowers.

Last year, while digging around on the yard I grew up in, I found a broken set
of wind chimes that belonged to my Mother.  I brought them home and set
them on my 'to do' shelf.  This Spring, I went to visit my Hubby in his shop, and
much to my surprise, he had fixed them for me.  Mom had them by her
fire pit, and now they are by mine.  What a wonderful gift.

This beauty stopped by my greenhouse for a visit..  She's the size of my palm and not nearly as
shy as a butterfly should be. 

I love the color of these lilies so much.   They make me want a fruit smoothie. 

At our last home, I had started a collection of lilies, and this year  I have decided to rebuild that collection here.
I added 3 to the garden this year.  I have really been loving the yellows and oranges lately.

A striking contrast between the orange and the purple is what drew me to this bunch.


  1. Oh what beautiful flowers. I love lilies. I use to have a bunch but over the years many of them have died out (I should start replacing them.) Just love that last one, so vibrant. Also a gorgeous butterfly shot. I've seen several this summer but none land long enough for me to get pictures of them. That mushroom sure is growing in an odd place.


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