Blooms And Things

This funny, little mushroom has chosen to grow about 8 feet up in one of maple trees. No danger of being tromped on up there! I love the purple these Irises have to offer, it's just too bad they don't bloom a little longer. But their long grassy foliage makes a nice back drop for blooms later on. The first of the marigold blooms. I started them all from seed this year, and am so excited to finally see a blossom! Isn't that a happy color? More irises. and I'm not sure what particular type these are either. I dug them out of a friends' garden and they bloom like crazy every Spring. I planted a little patch of chives last year and they have produced better than I could have expected. I know they are delicious, but I keep them more for their blooms. How cute is this little guy??? He loves the chives even more than I do. This patch of flowers is always humming with dozens of bees. Another cute little thing. ...