I Can Be A Little Mean...

I enjoy a good, clean April Fool's Day prank.  Last year, totally off the cuff, I told the kids I was pregnant, and they completely fell for it.  This year, I was certain there was no way I was going to get them with anything because they spent the whole day yesterday talking about what they could do to trick people. 
But this morning, after picking up a few scattered cat toys and carrying them to the basket in my daughter's room, an idea came to me.  While standing in her room, pretending to search the trees behind our house through the window, I cried, "Oh no!  Not again!".  Of course, they both came running to see what I was 'oh no-ing' about, and I told them I seen a little white kitten playing back there.  A couple of years back, that is where we discovered two of our current kitties, Georgia and Crush.  Well, "We have to save the kitty Mommy, he'll freeze!".  So they dress, more quickly then I ever thought they could, and out they race. 
I grabbed the camera and through a screened window, (sorry about the quality) I took a photo of them searching.  Yes, it was rainy here this morning, so that added to meanness of the situation a bit.  I called them a bit closer to break the news of the prank, and I think I captured their expressions perfectly!  Needless to say, they were upset with themselves for not remembering what day it was.  They were also a little upset with me getting a giggle out of them.  I tried to take some of the sting out of it by telling them what good people they are.  It is, after all, very important to have those who care so deeply about the creatures on this precious planet.


  1. What good kids you have, such a bad mum;)

  2. Remember dear Andrea--- one day these children will choose your nursing home:)
    You know what they say about paybacks....

    Still--- it's the funniest story ever!!

  3. Oh this made me laugh. :-) You are evil! I just found your blog today and am so glad I did. :-)


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