First Day Of Spring

There was little color to be taken from these photos in order to make them black and white images.  A grey sky covering a landscape on the first day of Spring in the Canadian prairies has little to offer by the way of color. 

I enjoyed the walk and taking the photos, and was looking forward to bringing them here, but when I opened them, I found the photos to be extremely dull.  So, off to Photoshop they went, and after a little of this and a bit of that, and a wee bit more of that, I came to like the once lackluster images.

I love black and white photography for the same reason everyone else does, the dramatic simplicity.  Black and white imagery always seems to flow with whatever mood I'm in.  I can take from it whatever I want or need.


  1. Beautiful images, dear Andrea! I love the detail in black and white images. Hugs to you!

  2. Yes, taking out the color does enhance the detail. I supposed our eyes are less distracted.

  3. The black and white photos are stunning.


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