Welcome Later Mornings

Now that the sun is rising later, I'm awake enough to actually think of grabbing my camera.  I love that it is getting bright at exactly the right time of day right now.  Waking up to the sunrise is energizing.  The shorter days have their drawbacks, of course.  I'm already missing my after supper evening walks, (I'm a wee bit scared of the dark). 


  1. Around here I'm more afraid of the bears and have foregone taking 0:dark thirty pasture walks. I'm sleeping until sunrise...strange and my body says NO. I'm used to getting up at dawn, even when dawn is 5:30.
    Your first photo is fabulous!

    1. I haven't heard of any bears around, but that would definitely keep me inside!

  2. Beautiful, beautfiul, beautiful! I just love seeing your pictures. You definitely have some great raw nature to take advantage of, but you are a very talented photographer!

  3. I love the photos of the sky, so beautiful. I walk at 6:30 in the morning and it is still so dark, I worry about coyotes, but think that I am bigger than them so maybe they will leave me alone!

    1. I'm really scared of the coyotes around here! When I hear them howling nearby, it sounds like there is no less than 20 of them. Very scary, even with a large dog by my side...

  4. I rarely see sunrises but these are lovely. I especially like the 1st shot.


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