Happy Halloween!

I have been enjoying travelling through blogland and seeing everything people are doing in their homes to celebrate the fall and Halloween season. And I thought it was high time I shared what I've been up to. I can't say I'm finished, and if I do anything else that's exciting, I will do another post. Minus the spiders, I've had that whole get-up on my door for a long time. A spooky old tree for a spooky old crow. There may be a few Harry Potter fans in the house... This duo is sitting in what is meant to be a Christmas decoration, but seeing as how we usually have snow here by October 31st, I thought, "Why not?". I like doing things other than jack o' lantern faces on my pumpkins. Although, there are also a lot of faces scattered around. I found that handsome black cat sculpture at flea market for $3!!! When I put this rat on the counter, the lady at the till jumped away backwards. Then she giggled at herself,...