A Spring Walk

I think the snow is finally gone for good.  If any more falls, it will surely melt as quickly as it has fallen.  There is life in the greenhouse, and garden work is being accomplished.  My legs are sore from a day spent outside, so it has been made official - Spring is here!
At the end of a busy day, I like to indulge in a few moments with my camera, and go for a walk.  Here are a few photos from around my 10 acres, and a little about what moved me to take them...
An overall view of the changing landscape.  It's hard to believe that only a couple of weeks ago, this entire prairie
was under a foot of snow.  All too soon, this pond will dry up, and we will be mowing around the willows.
These red willows line our ditches, and our Spring 'pond'.  From a distance, they are a striking display.  I hope
they start easily from a cutting, because I'd like to spread them to the North side of the house too.
I love the way the grass looks under the water, very dreamlike, and then the way the grass fades into a reflection
of the sky.  
I always stop to admire the bark on these trees.  Large leaf poplar have a silvery green bark, and their leaves
sound wonderful in a breeze, similar to a gentle rain.
I like the way the sun 'starbursted' in this shot.  It's also kind of cute that one of the bubble glares is encircling my dog.


  1. Spring is looking very lovely on your beautiful property. Enjoy the sun,

  2. Beautiful photos and lovely to see the spring sunshine.

  3. loved the photos-how have you been?

  4. Fantastic pictures! I would love to stroll around your property :)

  5. 10 acres? Holy cow! I'd be overwhelmed by all that land to upkeep. I have fits keeping up my small back yard lol

  6. I've got 27+ acres here and will hopefully increase my acreage when I move. Crazy, I know but I love having land...I could live in a tent if I had LAND around me! Your willows are beautiful and it amazes me the pond will dry up.


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