Another Short Shower

I've randomly chosen this image to go with the post so that some part of your visit here would be worthwhile.
Isn't he a beautiful animal?  He always makes me smile.
It has not been an easy winter, the Spring has started off very cold, and now we have lost water to our house.  Well, we spent a bit of money setting up a temporary system to carry us through until the thaw.  Up until then, we will have to haul all of our water in to the holding tank in the garage.

To make a long story quite short, one day we noticed we had lost water pressure, then soon after, we lost all pressure.  After a 5 day long battle, we realized we could do nothing more until Spring, and went ahead setting up the temp system.  Luckily we have a truck, a 2009 Dodge, which of course, knowing it was needed, promptly broke down.  

That has since been fixed, so everything should be okay for now.  I hope. Maybe the trailer will break, or the pump at the place we haul from will give up.  Or maybe everything will run smoothly from now until the thaw, and then just when the grass is turning all nice and green, we will get the backhoe out and tear a 20 foot wide, 10 foot deep hole into it.  

Just a quick, little insert here:  Just as I'm writing this, I hear a curse from the boiler room.  Okay, what now? The septic pump has seized.  WTH???  I guess I only have myself (and my cynicism) to blame.  Luckily we are being very conservative with our water usage, or the sewage may have backed up into the house by now.  

There is definitely something working against us, but there is also someone on our side.  Why else would my husband have checked the breaker box for no good reason, and realized that the septic had kicked itself off?  

I love him, you know?  My Husband.  When he's not being extremely handy in keeping our household running, he's improving our home.  He's been painting the interior and building a larger, new and improved greenhouse, (after the old one, as in 1 year old, got destroyed in a wind storm this winter).  A lot of our best memories are of working on projects together.  Much of our good quality time is spent in the shop, with great conversations happening as the next coat of varnish goes on.  He's not afraid to show me how to use tools, and when I'm putting one screw in for every dozen of his, he reminds me of my skills in the kitchen, and how there is no shame in having weak areas.  Just give everything and anything a try.  I think welding is next.  Maybe I'll show him how to bake bread.  Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves...


  1. What a run of bad luck. Thank goodness your husband can figure out what to do in these situations. I hope this is over for you soon.

  2. What a treasure it is to feel part of a true partnership with your mate, Andrea :) After 27 years together (25 married), I am so grateful that my Hubby and I have complementary rather than similar strengths. It has helped us get through lots of crises big and small. It sounds like you two are weathering the storm by leaning on one another. Certainly baking bread together is not out of the question :)

  3. Isn't it wonderful to have a husband who is so clever around the home:)))

    PS men are often very good at bread making as they have strong hands for kneading!!! Your husband may be gifted in bread making!!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I hope the thaw comes soon for you, and you find yourself basking in warmer weather. LOVE the pup! Happy Friday - Tanya

    1. Water problems, I hear you sister!! We have had our fair share, and more this year too. {our running joke, is we can NEVER go on a cruise...I've seen Titanic, just saying...} This winter has been a tough one, we have had things freeze that have not ever frozen. {sewer was last spring yikes!} We too are still waiting for spring, just had another 6" of snow at our house. Lovely doggie, to help you through those days. Keep smiling and creating. and stay off the water!

  5. love the photo of your sweet dog! what a lovely face he has ♥
    I think you should show your hubby how to make bread - my husband bakes bread every week - it's amazing :-D
    have a great weekend andrea!

  6. Oh no dear Andrea-- you have certainly had more than your fair share of bad luck. I hope spring comes soon and with it the resolution to your water problems. And while I'm praying-- I hope it won't all be too costly.

    You are lucky to have a husband who takes care of things and is so handy--- I have one of those too :)

    Your dog truly is beautiful--

  7. Usually they say bad things show up in 3 so perhaps your bad luck is over now. Thankfully you have a wonderful hubby and it sounds like you both work well together. That is a good thing. - Your dog is very handsome.

  8. What a run of bad luck you have had, I hope things start getting better soon. What a sweet looking dog.

  9. What a big mess! And you are trying to stay so positivist, bless your heart. I think your husband is a keeper, I love mine but he would not know how to handle all of this.

  10. Hello Andrea, I love your attitude, and your husband is wonderful your post does my heart good, thanks for sharing...


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