First Day Of School

After a very rainy couple of days, on September 1, the kids were very excited to start school. 
My sister, Auntie Lynn, is their bus driver, as well as the school cook. Two of her children are on the bus, and the kids just think this is a fabulous connection to have.  
There are only 30 plus children in the entire grades K-8 school, and only 3 classrooms.  Grades K, 1 and 2 are together, grades 3, 4, and 5 are mixed and then the grade 6, 7 and 8's make up the last class.
Their old school had about 70 kids in one grade alone and they were separated into 3 classrooms.  So this is a huge change.  But they are adjusting very well, and have even told me that they really prefer this school to their last. 
Nearly 3 weeks has passed since their first day, and they are feeling right at home.  Their bus ride is even shorter out here than it was in Cold Lake.  A total of 35 minutes a day was shaved off their daily riding time.  So much for city living being more convenient. 
The only thing we truly miss about the city are the friends we left behind, and the fact that they lived right next door.  Oh, and don't forget, they did not have children of their own, so they were extremely flexible, and could bend to our schedule on a whim.


  1. First day of school is always fun! We didn't move this year, my dad is not well so we decided to stay for now. We are in the Lumsden/Craven area. Closer to Craven so you are much closer now :) Regarding your posting problem, try signing out of all your Google accounts and when you log back in, UNCHECK the box that says "stay signed in" or "keep me signed in" and see if you can post again without being anonymous. Let me know if it doesn't work.


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