A Few Of My Favourite Quotes

This one, I first read this morning on a blog I follow, "Artful Living on the Bluff ".
Out of the entire, lovely collection, this one stood out the most. I am definitely guilty of not staying focused. I find it very easy to jump around from idea to idea, constantly trying new things, with very little, or no focus on any one thing.

"People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully."
- Steve Jobs

Another favourite...

"And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
- Anais Nin

This one came to me at a time when I had to make certain decisions and changes in the way I dealt with loved ones. When you believe that a choice could hurt someone, even it seems best for everyone involved, it is very difficult to get past blaming yourself for the possible outcomes. What I learned is that these said possible outcomes, are just lousy stories we tell ourselves to keep from making the necessary changes. I also learned that our loved ones have a way of pushing us to a point where concerns for how they are feeling become far less important than our own pain. Subconsciously, I believe there is a very loving thing happening. Consciously, however, it often looks very ugly.

And the last one for today...

"No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein

This one always reminds me to call up a friend for a different perspective. It always works.


  1. Very good food for thought! I especially like the last one. Albert Einstein said some incredibly wise things, didn't he?

    The nice thing about that truth, is that sometimes all you need to do is ask for a different perspective, and and answer will come to you. It's always good to get your thoughts out in the air.

  2. Love this first quote.. I have a tendency to flit from one thing to another too ..focusing is something that I really have to work at.. and don't achieve very often..
    I understand the second one too.. it's difficult to stop blaming yourself though.. and getting another perspective and saying things out loud are good practices as well I find for clearing my head .. love Albert Einstein's look on things..

  3. I really like all three of these quotes. The one by Anais Nin has long been a favorite of mine, but the other two are new to me. Thank you for sharing them! And that photo is gorgeous, love the mood.



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