A Summer Picnic

As Canadians, we seem to wait forever for our summers. We imagine ourselves doing all sorts of wonderful things when that beautiful weather finally arrives. When it does, however, we often find ourselves busy, too busy to enjoy any of that rare 25 degree weather.
We're off to our regular jobs, hauling our kids to their summer activities, taking advantage of good driving conditions to visit distant family and numerous other duties, that seem to swallow our summers whole leaving us wondering where the time went. In the past, this has left me wondering if I really had a summer at all.
This year, I truly intend to slow things down a bit. We have already started to eat outdoors more, and I am planning meals that don't leave me cleaning the kitchen for hours afterward. I am simplifying, and storing my hobbies away until the winter inevitably comes again. If it cannot be enjoyed on the deck, or taken in the camper, then it is being lovingly stored away for now. Picnic supplies are at the ready, just add a few bites to eat, a couple of drinks, and off we go. "Meet us at the park Honey, the kids are on the beach, and we'll eat when you get here." That is something I'll be saying a lot this summer. I encourage everyone to slow down, really soak up these next couple of months and store up some extra 'Vitamin Happy' to get you through that long Canadian winter that makes us appreciate our summers so much.
Need a few supplies to make the summer more enjoyable? Take a few minutes to browse through Etsy, and trust to the wonderful shops, and the mail to get it to you. Why not just go down to the local Wal-Mart? Simple, because this shopping can be done on the deck with an iced-tea, and you'll find far more selection and tons of unique and wonderful items. Just look at all the fantastic items I found and put together in this treasury, and it only took me a few minutes.


  1. Love it! Thanks for including me.

  2. Perfect! I completely agree with the whole Canadian summer being too short and too busy thing. It's hard to slow down when you know you have only a limited number of days.

  3. If I move any slower, I will be moving backwards. This is the first summer I have had off in 20 years. I am doing nothing but enjoying my garden and hope to do that until the snow falls in Fall. Have fun at the beach !

  4. Wow Danielle, that is wonderful! I wish you all the best for your first summer to yourself in years...a well deserved summer, I'm sure.


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