The Greenhouse

Ahhhh...the greenhouse. This is my first year with a greenhouse, just a little 'shack' my husband built for me this Spring. I love it. I've started 4 varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and pumpkins. There are nasturtiums, zinnias, black-eyed susan vine, morning glories, sunflowers, rain daisies, four o'clocks, nemophila, coleus, pampas grass, hyacinth bean, sweat peas, lavatera, lavender, and parsely. A friend who has maxed out her greenhouse space brought me over 200 plants, a mix of celosia, bacopa and euphorbia. I always loved going to the big greenhouses in the Spring, and would visit several days a week, as soon as they opened. Inevitably, I would end up spending hundreds of dollars on plants. This year, I have yet to set foot in one. I never would have imagined feeling this much satisfaction from starting and tending to my own plants. My husband said that it cost just a little over $120 to build. Little does he know how much money it will save. Not just from buying plants at a commercial greenhouse, but in upcoming years of therapy.


  1. A greenhouse is still on my 'to do' list, Andrea, but reading your post makes me want to put it on my priority list. I just made my first trip of the year to the local greenhouse and you're so right about what you can save by doing it yourself. You have such a nice writing style, btw!

  2. I am so envious, I wish so much for a greenhouse. Good for you for growing so much.


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