The Loss of a Friend

On December 11th, 2021, we lost our Bear. It's hard to believe that 5 months has passed already. There is still way too much space in our house without him. Eventually, we will adopt another dog to help fill that void in our life. My husband and I are nearly empty-nesters, and the house is too quiet. Going for a walk seems pointless without our best friend. I can take walks with my husband but walking by myself is still unbearable. I'm at the point in my grieving where I no longer forget that he's gone. Thinking of him brings on an overwhelming wave of grief, but it's not quite as bad as it was, and I can even, once in awhile, remember him and smile. Having lost several animals during my life, I know I'm on the right path in my grieving process, and that eventually all that will be left is the wonderful memories.