A Successful Day

There was a lot of shrill chirping in our yard this morning as these little fluffballs popped, one by one, of the confinement of their shells. What a joy it was to watch it all unfold. The proud, and very protective Daddy led his first two away from the nest as Mama finished up with the other two. Let me tell you, that Daddy bird has a mouth on him! He gave me the 'what-for' the entire time I was outside even when I was nowhere near them. I kept my distance, of course, but every ounce of me wanted to snuggle these little sweeties. And as I heard the coyotes howling so nearby last night, I wished I could bring them all in and keep them safe. Of course, they all made it through their first night, only to be led across the busy road to the pond on the other side. Just look at these adorable little critters! Before I get to the pictures, I have a quick question for my fellow bloggers. I have tried to fix the problem, all of my settings ar...