All The Fur Babies

Anyone who loves animals and has one or several of their own understands how remarkable a relationship can be with these furry beings. Each of these critters has their own special story and their own unique personality. Not unlike children, what works for one will not work for the other. We get to know them so intimately that we can tell from the slightest sound or motion they make if something is not quite right. Animals have always been in my life, particularly black cats. Sooty is my third black kitty. He follows in the footsteps of Zeke, the first that was given to me as a newborn. I had Zeke until I was 17 years old. A few years went by before I adopted a 3 year old black cat that I renamed Zeke Junior. Junior was with me from the time I was 20 until I was 37 years old, another 17 years. It took me a little while to get over the loss of that one, but then one day my sister invited me over to see her litter of 8 kittens. One...