Way Way Too Many Pumpkins

My friends, family and neighbors have all let me down. Many a pumpkin was offered, and very few have left my yard. Even my pumpkin thieving, (loving) sister didn't take very many this year. All in all, I was only able to give away around 20. When there are nearly 500, 20 does not make a dent. So, I set to work painting and carving the ripe ones. The kids and the husband carved a few each. The green ones have been used as props for the orange guys. Even if more had turned orange in time for Halloween, I'm sure they still would have been used in the same way. On the deck and in front of the house, there are just over 300 pumpkins. That is not counting ornamental gourds of which there were around 200, and they are scattered here and there. I had a fantastic gourd patch this year. There were so many different types, I never knew what I was going to find when I went out to pick a few. You know what I really love about m...