Autumns Colors

Here are a few photos I had fun gathering a couple of days ago. It all started with that mushroom, and since I already had the camera outside, I thought that I may as well take a stroll with it. This is a Shaggy Mane that has almost reached the end of it's life. It comes out of the ground as a tight, white dome, and that is when it is good for eating. Then it quickly unfurls and it will only look like this for another few hours before it's top flips up, blackening it completely. A pretty little feathery foxtail made for a nice contrast against the grass. Our wild roses are the only thing that add a bit of red to our wild landscape. Looking outside, I can't believe how many leaves have fallen since I took this photo 2 days ago. A view from our yard into my neighbors hay field. Bear and I walk there sometimes. It is nice, because I don't have to leash him there and it adds 1/2 mile one way. A close-up of...