A Moment of Reverie

The photo has little to do with this post. I couldn't find an accurate photo on the web of the snowflakes falling here today, but I came across this pretty little scene and decided to nab it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a name to give to credit to. Suffice to say, it wasn't me that took it as I have most of the photos on my blog. Back to my point. After I had fallen on my face several times while attempting to snowshoe in freshly fallen and drifted snow, I dragged my butt to my garden swing to spend some quality petting time with my dog. It was very quiet at this point, snowflakes drifting down slowly and landing in Bear's fur. A big, fluffy black dog speckled with snowflakes is beautiful enough, but upon closer inspection, I noticed that the tiny individuals were shaped perfectly like a six petal flower. And I do mean perfect, and not just the odd one, all of them. With the way they were landing in and on the tips of his fur, t...