
I've been keeping my camera on the kitchen table, ready to go, for the last several days, trying to catch one of these rascals on 'film'. I never get there in time. I see them from the sink, move to the window, and by the time I'm in position, they flit off. They move so fast, it's easy to think they are not wholly of this dimension. So, this morning, camera (and coffee) in hand, I pulled a chair up to the window, and waited. Patience soon paid off, as before I could take 2 photos of one, a second little rascal showed up. There was a bit of a tiff, but they settled on opposite sides, and had their fill. I love the sciences, biology in particular. I'm forever looking up names of plants and birds, interested in their biological classification. Then doing further research into specifics concerning various feeding/growing habits, origin, etc. I find it fascinating. Why then, do you ask, am I not a biologist? I considere...